There are many ways to make a gift to The Osborn Foundation—whether you prefer an unrestricted gift, a stock donation, memorial gift or Legacy Gift. All donations are received and managed by The Osborn Foundation. Since its founding in 2015, the Foundation’s mission has been to ensure that support from donors is managed in accordance with their wishes and provides the maximum benefit to be realized by residents on our campus and within the greater Rye and Westchester communities.
The Osborn matters to us because we can continue to be active and enjoy our independence, but if we need care it’s all here and we are near our family. The staff is what makes this place so special; yes, the grounds, the buildings, and the physical aesthetics are all lovely, but the staff is what sets it apart, they really care about us.
Bob and Mary Magnus, Sterling Park Residents
Consider making a safe and secure donation by using your Credit Card. Your contribution can be a one time donation or you have the option to make it recurring each month.
By designating The Osborn Foundation as the beneficiary of your IRA or fully-paid life insurance policy you can help ensure a high quality of life for future residents.
Double the impact of your donation. Many companies offer matching gifts for their employees who give to charities. Ask if your company matches gifts.
The Osborn has made it convenient to donate part or all of your refundable entrance fee as an unrestricted donation or to fund a program that is near and dear to you.
Donating appreciated stocks to The Osborn Foundation may provide a tax deduction for the full stock value and can eliminate capital gains tax burdens at the same time.
Please consider making a gift in your will, such as designating a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the total value of your estate to The Osborn Foundation.
Ask friends and family to consider making a donation to mark your birthday or anniversary. Even host a virtual fundraiser on Facebook for The Osborn Foundation.
Guarantee annual income for life and receive a tax deduction by transferring charitable remainder trust assets to The Osborn Foundation.
Donors can immortalize their family name or names of a loved one by dedicating a program, room or building at The Osborn. Naming opportunities are available to recognize generous gifts.
There are many ways to support The Osborn Foundation. Your gift can make all the difference.
To learn about all of the opportunities above, please contact Cathy Levy at (914) 925-8372 or
Thank you for considering a planned gift for The Osborn’s Future. You will leave an enduring legacy for The Osborn community and those it serves in years to come.
Your gift can be designated towards one of our programs: Charity Care, Arboretum Conservation, Employee Enrichment, and Academic Achievement, or given as a general unrestricted gift to the area of greatest need.
When you make a planned gift to The Osborn, you will become a member of The Miriam Osborn Legacy Society. This leadership group of donors follows the tradition of generosity and charity that began in 1908. Society members will be recognized in a special section of our annual Donor Report, on our website, and enjoy an special reception of appreciation with our Trustees, President & CEO, and members of our senior staff.
The Osborn’s future depends on many things including the generosity of its current residents and donors. I have personally made a provision in my estate plans. I hope others will consider doing the same.
Dr. Edward C. Pasciuti – Resident and Founding Member, The Miriam Osborn Legacy Society